Tag Archives: back pain

Standing Desks The New Norm

Standing Desks The New Norm

Using Standing Desks To Increase Life Expectancy The American Cancer Society released research statistics indicating people sitting more than six hours a day have a higher death rate. It is easy to see why sitting is labeled as the new smoking. Couple this with other studies finding similar results, where active people exercising for at… Read More >

Yoga: Not Just For Young Flexible Females

Yoga Is For Everyone

Yoga is for everyone and as a physiotherapist I feel yoga can play an important role in many of my patents overall rehab/maintenance programs.

Exercises For Sciatica Are Better Than Bed Rest

Exercises For Sciatica Are Better Than Bed Rest

What Are The Best Exercises For Treating Sciatica? An accurate diagnosis is necessary before any exercises for sciatica can be prescribed. Remember that sciatica is not a diagnosis but a set of signs and symptoms indicating that there is irritation or compression somewhere along the nerve roots that make up the sciatic nerve or the… Read More >

If Sciatica Is Not A Diagnosis, What Is Sciatica?

If Sciatica Is Not A Diagnosis, What Is Sciatica?

What Is Sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the body. Made up from nerve roots coming off the spinal cord in the low back and these nerve roots combine to form a thick nerve that is approximately 2cm wide, known as the sciatic nerve. From this point where these nerve… Read More >

Lower Back Pain Exercises For The Masses

Lower Back Pain Exercises For The Masses

One Size Does Not Fit All With Regard To Lower Back Pain Exercises So, you have low back pain and are wondering what exercises should you do to “fix” it..? And your car has broken down, what should you do..? Different questions yes, but same answer. Not all broken down cars will be the result… Read More >

Managing Sway Back Posture

Managing Sway Back Posture

Treatment For Sway Back Posture Individuals with a sway back posture will frequently complain of experiencing discomfort worsening with prolonged periods of standing, or slow walking such as standing at a concert, or shopping and will often find themselves regularly shifting position when standing to ease any discomfort.  From a physiotherapy standpoint treatment for sway… Read More >

Sway Back Posture: A Common Postural Variation

Sway Back Posture: A Common Postural Variation

What Is Sway Back Posture? Sway back posture is a very common postural variation. With “ideal” posture in standing being such that if you draw an imaginary line from your head all the way to the ground, your ear, shoulders, pelvis and ankles should all be stacked up within the same line. With a sway… Read More >

What Are The Most Common Golf Injuries?

What Are The Most Common Golf Injuries?

Overuse Injuries Are The Most Common Golf Injuries Despite golf injuries being of relatively low incidence, if you are an avid player, you may well suffer from a golf related injury at some point during your playing career. The majority of golf injuries are overuse injuries, meaning the are injuries resulting from the repetitive action… Read More >

Endurance Is The Key With Lower Back Exercises

With Lower Back Exercises Endurance Is The Key

The Approach To Lower Back Exercises Everyone Should Take Poor endurance in “core muscles” or any muscles charged with the roll of fighting against the effects of gravity can leave you unable to hold good sitting and standing postures over extended periods. A failure to maintain good alignment and positioning when sitting and standing with… Read More >