Following acute trauma to the knee, assessment can prove difficult. An acute MCL injury is often painful and there may be swelling, as well as a loss of motion. These things make grading injury severity and treatment planning challenging.
Category Archives: Sports Injuries and Management
To Cut, Or Not To Cut? That Is The Question Making a decision regarding having ACL reconstruction surgery is not always straightforward. Following complete ACL rupture, many athletes find they are unable to participate in cutting, or pivoting-type sports. Failing to do so, due to feelings of instability. Others however, find they have even more… Read More >
Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain: The Sporting Shoulder Injury Injuries to the Acromioclavicular joint make up almost half of all sporting shoulder injuries. An acromioclavicular joint sprain, often referred to as the AC jt, is an injury typically the result of direct impact to the shoulder. This includes, but is not limited to a fall, or tackle…. Read More >
Patella Dislocation An Adolescence Injury A patella dislocation is a common injury. Typically the result of either a twisting injury, or from a direct impact to the knee. Impact when the knee is in a slightly bent position. Patella dislocation injuries are more common in the younger athletic population. With teenagers the most common age… Read More >
How Does Shockwave Treatment Achieve Results? One principle behind how shockwave treatment (ESWT) achieves great results, is through the generated high pressured acoustic shockwaves travelling through the skin, inducing microtrauma to the targeted tissue. This microtrauma stimulates a healing response in the body. A response which can involve blood vessel formation, improved metabolism, increased nutrient… Read More >
Shockwave Therapy At Sydney Physio Clinic At Sydney Physio Clinic we are pleased to be able offer our patients access to radial shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy (also referred to as ESWT) is a relatively new tool used in the fight against many chronic musculoskeletal conditions. An effective tool in the conservative treatment of soft tissue… Read More >
Strengthen Your Vastus Medialis To Help Manage Knee Pain The vastus medialis muscle is a part of your quadriceps muscle group. Vastus medialis often referred to as vastus medialis oblique, or the VMO for short. A relatively small muscle that helps stabilise the kneecap. Commonly regarded as a significant player in the fight against knee… Read More >
Diagnosing Osteitis Pubis Treatment for osteitis pubis ideally starts with obtaining an early accurate diagnosis. Early detection can help prevent the condition progressing beyond the initial stage of localised bone stress. However, frequently landing on the diagnosis of osteitis pubis is often only made in the more advanced stages of the condition. When signs of… Read More >
Isolation And Activation Before Function A simple approach with exercises for Trendelenburg gait is to start addressing the issue with isolated strengthening exercises. This can help enable the individual to be aware of which muscles they are wanting to “engage”. Once muscle activation can be isolated in a controlled environment, knowing where and what activation… Read More >
Vastus Medialis Oblique The Most Famous Quadriceps Muscle Vastus Medialis Oblique, VMO for short makes up part of the quadriceps muscles. A group of muscles positioned at the front of the thigh. Specifically the vastus medialis sits medially, on the inside of the thigh. Combined with the three other quadriceps muscles, its primary function is… Read More >