Tag Archives: neck pain

Standing Desks The New Norm

Standing Desks The New Norm

Using Standing Desks To Increase Life Expectancy The American Cancer Society released research statistics indicating people sitting more than six hours a day have a higher death rate. It is easy to see why sitting is labeled as the new smoking. Couple this with other studies finding similar results, where active people exercising for at… Read More >

What Is Brachialgia?

What Is Brachialgia?

Brachialgia: It’s A Real Pain In The Neck Simply put brachialgia is a medical term used to describe a type of arm pain resulting from a compressed or “pinched nerve” in your neck. It is similar in many ways to the more commonly known condition of sciatica which causes leg pain from similar origins of… Read More >

Have You Got Text Neck?

Have You Got Text Neck?

What Is Text Neck? Text neck is an overuse condition of the head, neck and shoulders resulting from excessive strain on the spine from looking downward at any hand held mobile device for extended periods (such devices could include a mobile phone, laptop, computer or video gaming unit). Adopting this head forward and downward position… Read More >