Tag Archives: Shoulder pain

3/10 Adults Need Shoulder Pain Exercises

3/10 Adults Need Shoulder Pain Exercises

The Shoulder Is The Body’s Most Mobile Joint The shoulder joint is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body and the shoulder allows the greatest range of motion of all of the joints in the body. Due largely to the mobility capabilities the shoulder joint possesses it is a joint with… Read More >

Preventing Swimmers Shoulder

Preventing Swimmers Shoulder

Treating Shoulder Pain Swimming The rehabilitation process associated with treating  swimmers shoulder is an individualized process. Therefore the time frames and adjustments required to achieve a satisfactory result and a return to swimming will vary from person to person. Training loads, swimming technique and anatomical variables generally all need to be taken into account during… Read More >

What Is A Frozen Shoulder?

What Is A Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen Shoulder Also Known As “50 Year Old Shoulder” Known as “50 year old shoulder” in Japan, a frozen shoulder is a very painful condition, something which typically but not exclusively occurs in middle age. A relatively poorly understood condition with regard to the cause, a frozen shoulder usually occurs spontaneously, however suffering a frozen… Read More >

Weight Training For The Older Shoulder

Weight Training For The Older Shoulder

An Increase In Older Weight Lifters In recent years I have noticed a trend of more and more of my older patients becoming seriously invested in weight training as a form of exercise. Lifting weights was previously an activity favored by guys in their 20’s, is now common for both men and women in their… Read More >

Rotator Cuff Impingement Syndrome Causes

Rotator Cuff Impingement Syndrome Causes

Potential Causes Of Rotator Cuff Impingement Syndrome? Rotator cuff impingement can be caused from a traumatic injury such as a fall, however it is repeated movement of your arm into the impingement zone overhead that most frequently causes rotator cuff impingement. When overhead movements are performed the rotator cuff gets trapped and pinched under the… Read More >