Bakers Cysts And Back Of Knee Pain: What Does It Mean?

Bakers Cysts And Back Of Knee Pain: What Does It Mean?

Baker’s Cyst: A Potential Cause Of Pain In The Back Of Knee

Physiotherapists regularly treat patients complaining of having knee pain. Back of knee pain is not as common as having patients complaining about anterior knee pain (front of knee pain). A potential cause of back of knee pain, is the presence of a popliteal cyst. More commonly known as a Baker’s cyst.
  • A Baker’s cyst is the name for swelling behind the knee. This swelling is the result of synovial fluid collection. Fluid from inside the knee being pumped into the bursae at the back of the knee.
  • Synovial fluid is joint fluid that lubricates and nourishes the joint. And bursae are sacs of fluid, found throughout the body. They generally help cushion and reduce any local friction.

Generally swelling associated with a diagnosis of a Baker’s cyst, is in the popliteal bursa. On palpation of the knee, swelling can be felt and depending on how much fluid there is, sometimes visually identifiable. Palpated, or seen sitting between the two heads of the calf muscle at the back of the knee. Generally any selling is easiest to visualize in standing.

Baker’s Cysts Typically Only Cause Mild Symptoms

Back of knee pain related to a Baker’s Cyst causes typically fairly mild pain. This is unless the swelling behind the knee is particularly enlarged, or should the cyst rupture. Large cysts may restrict movement of the knee, causing pain and aching. A ruptured Baker’s cyst can cause acute back of knee pain. As the fluid drains down the leg, it may also cause swelling in the calf and ankle area.

Commonly Baker’s Cysts are relatively asymptomatic. They may simply be a visual, or palpable swelling in the back of the knee with associated sensation of tightening. Patients may be unaware they have this swelling in their popliteal bursa until someone points it out.


Secondary Symptoms

A Baker’s cyst is often caused by inflammation from within the knee joint. Associated with any condition causing inflammation and swelling in the knee. Henceforth, Baker’s Cysts are really a secondary symptom resulting from an underlying knee condition. Meaning it is not a complete diagnosis in itself. And a complete knee assessment should be undertaken to highlight the underlying cause. Highlighting someone has a Baker’s cyst on imaging like ultrasound imaging, or through palpation is not actually the diagnosis. There will be an underling reason behind the swelling being, getting to the root cause will be the key to fixing any back of knee pain.

Common Causes Of Back Of Knee Pain

Common knee conditions that can result in the presence of a Baker’s cysts include knee osteoarthritis and meniscal (cartilage) tears. Bakers cysts may be present as the result of an acute injury, or a more chronic condition. Physical assessment by a skilled physiotherapist, sports medicine specialist, or orthopaedic surgeon may need to be combined with medical imaging. Such as an ultrasound scan to view the cyst, other investigations like an MRI, or X-ray can be useful in identifying underlying causes. Such as the presence of arthritis, or any other pathology that could potentially cause inflammation and swelling in the knee.

Note: There are medical reasons that potentially can cause back of knee pain, and the appearance of a Baker’s cyst. Therefore it is always sensible to have your knee assessed, and as appropriate medical imaging.

Back Of Knee Pain Treatment For A Baker’s Cyst

Treatment of a Baker’s cyst should always look at addressing the underlying cause. Hence assessment and accurate diagnosis is vital to managing any cause of back of knee pain. A Baker’s cyst is seldom removed surgically, as they will inevitably just return if the underlying causes is not first solved. Solving underlying causes will almost always lead to resolution of the cyst. For more immediate relief of back of knee pain from a Bakers cyst, treatment can be based on the principles of R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Coupled with short term use of anti-inflammatory medication will often provide suitable relief, while any underling causes are addressed.

The take home here is; if you are experiencing back of knee pain which you suspect is related to a Baker’s cysts then seek medical opinon. They almost always a represent some underlying knee condition that would benefit from professional management.

Disclaimer: Sydney Physio Clinic does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products mentioned. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking specific orthopaedic advice or assistance on Back Of Knee Pain should consult his or her general practitioner or physiotherapist or otherwise appropriately skilled practitioner.