Physio Near Me

Sydney CBD Physio Near Me

Should I Make An Appointment With A Physio Near Me?

When booking in to see a physio near me there are a few things to consider, namely is seeing a physio worth it? As a physio I would like to think that a physio can assist in making a very positive impact on your quality of life. It is important to understand that you do not need to be excruciating pain to see a physio. In both our Sydney physio practice based in the CBD and our Randwick physio practice in the Eastern Suburbs, the variety of reasons our client’s book with us vary greatly. From rehabilitation post-surgery, assistance in recovering from sprains or strains, fracture rehabilitation, postural concerns and back and neck pain… Generally, any situation where functional capacity is impacted by pain, mobility, strength, or even barriers that aren’t physical but more mental in nature. Barriers such as a fear of movement, or a lack of confidence in your body and its capacity to move. Regardless of the cause of functional limitation, booking in with a physio could be of benefit if any of the above situations sing true with you.

There are lots of physios, so how do I choose my physiotherapist?

There are several simple things to consider when looking to book an appointment with a physio near me. Just as when dealing with any health professional, it is essential that your physiotherapist is fully qualified and accredited. To practice in Sydney as a physio you must be registered and certified with AHPRA the health registration board. Rest assured all our physios at Sydney Physio Clinic maintain up to date registrations by maintaining their annual profession development and practice obligations, as well as meeting the necessary professional indemnity insurance criteria to practice. Knowing the area of practice and special interest areas of the physio can be helpful when looking to choose a physio near me that suits your needs. Our physiotherapists have between 10 to 20+ years’ experience each working in private practice dealing with sports physio rehabilitation, general aches and pains, post-surgical and joint replacement rehabilitation…So at Sydney Physio Clinic, whatever your issue we have you covered. Clearly looking for a physio near me, having two practices means if you are working or living in and around the city our Macquarie Street practice will be convenient and for those in and around east Sydney or Randwick physio practice The Movement Centre is a great option.

How long does physio usually take to get results?

This is a “how long is a piece of string..” sort of question. Ideally there are some basic time frames that tissue healing follows however within these guidelines there is always variation based on a multitude of factors. Factors that may be injury related regarding severity, pre-existing complaints but more complicated and challenging to measure recovery can be impacted by a whole lot of social factors like your understanding, beliefs and fear around your injury and the impact that this can have on your balance of rest verses movement and willingness to return to pre-injury life roles… At Sydney Physio Clinic we consider all factors, tangible or not, when assisting someone with their reason for booking. And work to expedite the safest return to normal function possible.

How many times a week can you have treatment?

Although there is clearly value in attending physiotherapy sessions, there often is more value and emphasis on what you are doing the other 23 and a 1/2 hours in a day. At Sydney Physio Clinic we work hard not to “over service” and it is common we may see patients once a week, and on occasions a couple of times a week for short periods may also be relevant and beneficial. However every patients journey and needs are individual, and we will work to set up a schedule that is best for your individual needs and circumstances.

Can a treatment session make things worse before getting better?

In some cases, the assessment process, manual therapy techniques, or prescribed/practiced exercise/s may cause discomfort temporarily or in a more prolonged sense. Ideally this is avoidable, however if discomfort is experienced then we clearly need to know as assessment, treatment or home management approaches most likely need to be explained further regarding their reasoning if the pain is considered acceptable, otherwise adjusted accordingly.

Should I go to doctor or physio first?

In Australia you can choose to see a physio directly without a doctors referral, at Sydney Physio Clinic we accept all private health funds and there is no need for a doctors referral to claim on your fund, and receive your rebate. If you choose to see your GP prior to seeing a physio that is also a great option, as a doctors opinion on your injury and relevance regarding the potential benefits around receiving physiotherapy treatment. Your doctor can also prescribing appropriate pain relief if relevant and/or referring for bulk billed investigations in some situations when deemed necessary.

What advice do physiotherapists give?

Physiotherapists will usually recommend movement and exercise as at least a part of your session. This is prescribed to help improve your mobility, function and manage any pain. The focus of the exercises may vary from prescribed movements designed with improving movement in mind, or strength, power, biomechanics, pain management…The movements may be targeted towards a specific body part or more general in natural depending on the intention behind the goal of the movement. Physiotherapists will also commonly offer advice on ways to off load tissues to assist in appropriate active rest in the form of footwear changes, bracing options, activity and equipment modifications. Specific advice will always depend on individual circumstances and although there is often general advice that can be applied in many circumstances, there is no one size fits all when if comes to offering injury advice.

What do they do in physio clinics?

Physio treatment at Sydney Physio Clinic is generally aimed at helping people impacted by pain, injury, functional limitation through the use of education and advice, general and targeted movement, manual therapy as well as other physiotherapeutic adjuncts including shockwave therapy, sports taping, dry needling…. We aim to help maintain health and comfortable activity levels for people of all ages, frequently helping patients to manage pain and prevent long term functional limitations.

What happens when you first go to a physio near me?

At Sydney Physio Clinic your physio your initial consultation will last up to 45 minutes and during this time your physio will ask several detailed questions about your motivation to attending the session and the history behind it as well as what your goals are regarding the treatment and your functional outcomes. Following getting this important information often physical testing will look to help determine things such as Range of Motion (your mobility and flexibility), strength, movement patterns, limitations and pain triggers where relevant… After this assessment process, discussion regarding appropriate treatment approaches can take place.

Is it better to see a chiropractor or physio?

Chiropractors and physiotherapists typically have slightly different philosophical approaches in assisting patients in managing their motivations behind booking a session. There are several stereotypes that surround each profession, stereotypes which I am convinced frustrate those on both sides of the fence. As there are variations within methods of practice within each profession, and although there are perhaps what could be regarded as industry standards in the way a physio, or chiroprator practice… I have worked along side enough practitioners accross each field to understand that variations both between the professions, and within each profession certainly exist. I am a physio so you are asking the wrong person to answer that question as I will clearly answer, in favour of seeing a physio.

What’s the difference between osteo and physio?

Again this is a question where the above answer can simply be copied and pasted. Inter and intra professional variations exist and often some relatively misleading stereotypes also exist regarding the professions.

How do I prepare for my appointment?

The more honest information you can provide your physio the better. Therefore being able to communicate what you understand regarding the history and behavior of the issue and how things have responded to any prior treatment, adjustments made is very beneficial. Noting in any medication, creams you have been using, as well as any therapeutic aids braces, footwear, treatment devices is helpful. There is a good chance your physio will want to “assess” your movement / specific area of your body that the complaint is relating to. Therefore coming dressed appropriately for your session wearing something you can move in and that “exposes” the specific site would generally be useful.

Do I have to take my clothes off in the session?

At Sydney Physio Clinic we aim to preserve as much “dignity” as possibly and will always work around things to keep people feeling comfortable throughout the session. Wearing, or having shorts and/or a singlet to get changed into depending on why you are booking is advisable. However we have both shorts, tops and gowns for patients to get changed into if necessary.

Why would someone go to a physio near me?

Patients typically book with us in relation to getting help for a physical complaint, This is often the result of suffering an accident or injury. Others will have a physical complaint that has a seemingly insidious onset, or something they have had all, or most of their life. A physiotherapist will assess your condition to get an understanding of the motivation behind booking and the impact it is having on your life, movement and function and work with you to make a positive change.