The beneFITS Of Turning House Hold Chores Into Exercise
Did you know that the World Health Organization ranks inactivity as the fourth largest cause of mortality after high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity? Probably not. Keeping an active lifestyle is necessary for maintaining your physical and mental health. Spending 40- 60 hours a week sitting down at our desks is bad for both your posture, as well as your muscles and strength.
Exercise can be classified as the repetition of movements, this can include sweeping, mopping and scrubbing. Read the following for ideas as to how to incorporate active movement into your busy lifestyle and tips on incorporating inadvertent exercise into your day while performing mundane everyday tasks.
Inadvertant Exercise: How To Turn Everyday Activities Into Exercise
- No one likes grocery shopping, it’s a fact. When carrying your groceries, use the bags as weighted dumb bells and perform ten bicep curls for each arm. In this, extend your arm out straight and pull weight towards shoulder. Repeat ten times before switching to the other arm. Similarly, when unpacking the shopping, use cans, jugs and bottles as opportunities for more bicep curls.
- Climbing stairs, if you have any steps or stairs you need to go up or down, use this opportunity to run up and down them 10 times. Alternatively, even if you have one step in or near your house, use that opportunity to do twenty step ups for each leg. Steps ups are great for muscle strength, endurance and for improving your balance.
- When wiping windows, doors, walls and floors, wipe with large circular motions and use extra force. This is a great way to work out the entire body and engage your abdominals, arms and glutes. Your windows will be shiny and your arms will be toned.
- Need the car cleaned? Do it yourself with a sponge and bucket, this ensures an all over body work out and stretches the entire body. You also save money and the environment at the same time. Water fight anyone?
More handy tips for maximizing the benefits of inadvertent exercise:
- Dropped something on the floor? Do 10 sit-ups before you can pick it up.
- Waiting for the kettle to boil? The pot to boil? The microwave to finish? The iron to warm up? Get down and do a 40 second plank while waiting. Get inventive!
- Cleaning the couch? What a great opportunity to do tricep dips! Face away from the couch and place your hands shoulder width apart behind you. Slide your legs out in front of you and place your weight on your arms. Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep the tension in your triceps and not in your elbow joints. Lower yourself, keeping the weight distributed evenly, raise yourself back up and repeat 2 sets of ten repetitions. Fun Tip: While you’re changing sheets on the bed, feel free to sneak in a few more tricep dips.
- Cleaning windows? Stretch out very far to reach those high places and engage your arm and abdominal muscles. Then squat five times after each window is finished.
Who Needs A Gym Membership When The Benefits Of Inadvertent Exercise Can Be Just As Good
Exercise doesn’t have to be all leotards and running shoes. Did you know that studies have also shown that an hour of doing laundry burns 78 calories, which is the same as 100 sit ups. And did you know that ironing for at least an hour burns around 150 calories? For such a simple calorie burner, you’ll be running to that ironing pile! Literally.
In terms of shopping, consider walking not driving to the shops if possible (you’re then able to do bicep curls with all your groceries on the way home). If walking is an impossibility, park further away then you normal would to ensure that extra workout occurs. Never underestimate the benefit of doing high knees. When you have to walk from one area to another, lift your knees up high for the entire distance. High knees lifts are great for building up hip strength and stronger legs.
Disclaimer: Sydney Physio Clinic provides this information as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking specific advice or assistance on A How To Guide For Inadvertent Exercise should consult his or her physiotherapist, personal trainer or otherwise appropriately skilled practitioner.