Eccentric Strengthening In The Rehabilitation Of Tendinopathy?

Eccentric Strengthening In The Rehabilitation Of Tendinopathy?

Eccentric Strengthening: A Key Component In Tendon Rehabilitation

Eccentric strengthening exercises are regularly used in the rehabilitation of sport injuries.  An eccentric contraction is the motion where a muscle is lengthening under load. Some examples of functional activities involving an eccentric contraction include;

  • the action of walking down a steep hill
  • or resisting the effects of gravity while lowering a heavy object.

With a concentric contraction, which is where the muscle shortens under load. Is considered with this form of muscle contraction to mainly stress and strengthen the muscle belly component of your muscle. Whereas an eccentric contraction is considered to load and thus strengthen the ‘white’ component of the muscle tendon complex. Therefore loading more the tendon tissue of the working muscle-tendon unit.

Eccentric Strengthening And The Athlete

Eccentric muscle contractions are known for producing high forces with low-energy cost. This form of contraction actually use less energy, even though they create more force than concentric contractions. Using eccentric muscle contractions in training focuses on slowing down the elongation / lengthening of the muscle. Which can lead to:

  • Increased metabolic rate
  • Stronger muscles
  • Faster muscle repair

All of these features align eccentric strengthening exercises for rehabilitative function.

With eccentric contractions where the load exceeds the force developed by the muscle, the exercise is referred to as “negative work”. Hence eccentric strengthening is sometimes are also called “negatives”. Because the muscle is absorbing energy in this form of loading.

Eccentric Exercise And DOMS

Eccentric contractions during exercise may result in delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). However the eccentric contraction itself does not cause muscle injury, or damage. These eccentric contractions during unaccustomed exercise are a frequent cause of post exercise muscle pain. However, adaptation to eccentric exercise can occur. Making the muscle less vulnerable to such post exercise pain on subsequent performance of eccentric loading to the same muscle group.
Simply put, completing repeated bouts of eccentric training per week will result in less DOMS after subsequent workouts. As your muscle complex adapts to the training loads.

Disclaimer: Sydney Physio Clinic provides this information as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking specific advice or assistance on Eccentric Strengthening In The Rehabilitation Of Tendinopathy? Should consult his or her physiotherapist, personal trainer or otherwise appropriately skilled practitioner.