Correcting Trendelenburg Gait Management of a Trendelenburg gait pattern should first aim to deal with any underlying causes present leading to the presence of such gain pattern. To do so requires assessment by an appropriate medical professional in an attempt to uncover any underlying reasons for the existence of the noted gluteal weakness. Once any… Read More >
Tag Archives: Trendelenburg sign
Some Potential Causes Of A Trendelenburg Sign A positive Trendelenburg sign and the resulting Trendelenburg gait pattern can occur as the result of any number of causes of which some potential causes are listed below: Following trauma to the hip and pelvis, including fracture, or direct trauma to the soft tissues. Post surgically, such as… Read More >
What Is A Trendelenburg Gait The Trendelenburg gait sometimes referred to as the gluteus medius lurch, is an abnormal gait pattern resulting namely from the weakness of the hip abductor muscles. More specifically, this gait pattern is considered to be mainly a result of weakness of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles. Such weakness… Read More >
Gluteus Medius: A Valuable Pelvis And Lower Extremity Stabiliser Like gluteus minimus (often referred to as simply glute min) gluteus medius (glute med) is located on the lateral aspect of the upper buttock area and is a broad fan shaped muscle narrowing towards its insertion. Along with glute min it is functionally an important muscle… Read More >