Tag Archives: Lisfranc joint

Treatment For Lisfranc Injuries

Treatment For Lisfranc Injuries

Early Detection & Management Is The Key To Successful Treatment The early recognition and treatment of Lisfranc injuries is ideal for helping to preserve the foots normal biomechanics and function. In the long run Lisfranc injuries carry a high risk of chronic secondary disability and frequently lead arthritis of the midfoot. The best long term… Read More >

Lisfranc Injury: An Injury To The Midfoot

Lisfranc Injury: An Injury To The Midfoot

A Lisfranc Injury Is A Frequently Misdiagnosed Foot Injury Named after a Napoleonic surgeon Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin, a Lisfranc injury is an injury to the midfoot. It is an injury of relatively rare occurrence and often misdiagnosed, mistaken for a simple sprain with sometimes dire consequences. This tendency for misdiagnosis (somewhere around 20-40%)… Read More >