RICE An Oldie, But A Goodie???
The R.I.C.E. method of Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation has been a popular and recommended approach for acute sprain and strain management for many many years. However this treatment method may not be the best recovery method for all injuries and like many medical approaches has been adapted as more information and understanding comes to light.
What’s The Best Acute Sprain And Strain Management?
The question is does R.I.C.E. actually work? There has been a new acronym M.I.C.E. suggested to replace the tried and trusted R.I.C.E. method. With M.I.C.E. the M and Movement replaces the R and Rest. Again like with R.I.C.E. it is not a one size fits all method. With the M.I.C.E. acronym once significant injury has been excluded then the M is to indicated that immediate and progressive movement is encouraged rather than opting for rest. For some years physios have advocated R.I.C.E. however the rest has always indicated the need to remove the injured tissue from situations where further damage could occur, or aggravation and disruption to healing would delay recovery. With this in mind it was always relative rest and somewhat active rest physio pushed, where in a protected fashion loading and movement was encouraged and encouraged early. Swapping the R for an M has simply more formally labeled something that physios have been pushing for many years.
Why Should We Encourage Movement And Not Extended Rest?
With M.I.C.E. the goal is safe and gentle restoration of range of motion and the reintroduction of functional activities. It is postulated that movement directly stimulates tissue healing, improving blood flow, which brings oxygen to the damaged tissue and aids in the removal of metabolic waste. Blood flow has long been considered crucial to healing and with the repair of acute sprains and strains our bodies must work to break down any damaged cells and then rebuild using raw materials for which circulation is crucial. Movement helps with enhancing the synthesis of protein and tissue repair, clearing away waste products of injury and delivering vital nutrients and energy to the area. With acute sprain and strain management and the application of controlled Movement following injury rather than enforced total Rest you can provide appropriate blood flow to the area which may aid with improving the healing process.
At Sydney Physio Clinic or physio team treat all sorts of sprains and strains and regardless of the severity of stage of healing we love the opportunity to be involved in our patients recovery process. If you have suffered a recent sprain or strain and need some assistance in the rehabilitation process then contact our practice to make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.
Disclaimer: Sydney Physio Clinic does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products mentioned. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking specific advice or assistance on Acute Sprain And Strain Management should consult his or her general practitioner, physiotherapist or otherwise appropriately skilled practitioner.