Category Archives: Back and Joint Pain

Types Of Sesamoid Bone Injury

Types Of Sesamoid Bone Injury

Who’s At Risk Of A Suffering A Sesamoid Bone Injury? With reference to the sesamoid bones of the foot, injury or irritation to these bones is most common among athletes, more specifically this includes runners, golfers, tennis players, footballers and most certainly ballet dancers… Increased injury risk is associated with the involvement in activities that… Read More >

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Sesamoid Injury

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Sesamoid Injury

Diagnosing Sesamoid Injury Beyond taking a detailed history of the condition, when diagnosing sesamoid injury to the big toe physiotherapy assessment will include a physical examination looking for tenderness on palpation or manipulation of the sesamoid bones. As well as this, assessment will look to elicit pain with bending and straightening the great toe, where… Read More >

Sesamoid Bones Unlike Other Bones

What Are Sesamoid Bones? Most bones in the body connect to each other via joints however, sesamoid bones are unique in that they are not connected to any other bone and are in fact embedded in tendons. Sesamoid bones act as pulleys for the tendons they sit in, aiding movement and increasing the ability of… Read More >

Treating A Bunion

Treating A Bunion

Not Every Bunion Is Symptomatic Not all bunions are symptomatic. Even though visually they may seem quite alarming, bunions don’t necessarily require treatment. Unless locally symptomatic, or considered to be a contributing factor driving other lower limb ailments, treatment isn’t always employed. A bunion however, is a permanent deformity of the big toe which can… Read More >

Causes And Treatment Of Hallux Valgus

What Are The Causes Of Hallux Valgus

What Causes Hallux Valgus? The exact cause of hallux valgus more commonly referred to as bunions is unknown. They are thought to be the result of complex biomechanical changes occurring in your feet. A situation where constant stress on the big toe joint, specifically the first metatarsal phalangeal joint (1st MTPJ) causing displacement of the… Read More >

Bunions: Those Bony Bumps At Your Big Toe

Bunions: Those Bony Bumps At Your Big Toe

What Are Bunions? Bunions, often referred to in medical practice as a hallux valgus where hallux is referencing the big toe and valgus the resulting angular change as seen in the image below. Hallux valgus is a deformity of the big toe characterized by the deviation of the big toe, where the big toe is… Read More >

Serratus Anterior And A Winged Scapula

Serratus Anterior And A Winged Scapula

Causes Of A Winged Scapula In most cases of winged scapula that we see in our Randwick and Sydney physio practices, the serratus anterior muscle is the main culprit. The serratus anterior muscle attaches to the medial (inside) border of the shoulder blade and sweeps across the side of the shoulder blade between the shoulder… Read More >

What Is Scapular Winging?

What Is Scapular Winging?

Scapular Winging And Scapulohumeral Rhythm Scapular winging, also referred to as a winged scapula, is a condition affecting the shoulder blades (a bone of the shoulder anatomically referred to as the scapula). The name of this condition comes from its appearance, in which the scapula have a wing-like resemblance. Where an individual presenting with scapular… Read More >

How To Manage Your Hunched Shoulders

How To Manage Your Hunched Shoulders

Treatment Options For Managing Hunched Shoulders With Scheuermann’s disease a posture brace is sometimes used to help manage hunched shoulders and assist in keeping the back in a position as close to the “normal” anatomical position as possible. The exact treatment approach including the use of any postural bracing when managing hunched shoulders depends upon… Read More >

Scheuermann’s Disease: A Developmental Disorder Of The Spine

Scheuermann’s Disease: A Developmental Disorder Of The Spine

What Is Scheuermann’s Disease? Scheuermann’s Disease is a condition named after Danish surgeon Holger Werfel Scheuermann. A developmental disorder of the spine causing abnormal growth of the thoracic vertebrae (however not exclusive to the thoracic spine as it can also be found in the lumbar spine). Scheuermann’s Disease is self limiting,  meaning it will not… Read More >