Tag Archives: trigger points

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

Self Managing Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Frequently I find that most minor trigger points are self manageable, meaning they shouldn’t require professional attention to “release” them. When locating a myofascial trigger point yourself, the point should feel “relevant” meaning that the pain provoked from pressure feels related to the discomfort you are wanting to relieve…. Read More >

Treating Trigger Points

Treating Trigger Points

How To Treat Trigger Points The management of symptomatic trigger points are often relatively easily addressed by taking a combined approach of rest, stretching and movement. Allowing your body to rest if you have “muscle knots” by taking a break from those activities responsible for causing the trigger points is a logical starting point. Coupling… Read More >


What Are Muscle Knots?

Muscle Knots Are A Relatively Common Cause Of Shoulder Pain Muscle knots, also known as trigger points and myofascial trigger points are small lumps (or bumps) in the muscle or fascial tissue that can be painful to the touch. These trigger points are capable of causing local pain as well as causing referred pain. Referred… Read More >