Addressing Underlying Risk Factors And Pathology The Key Pes anserinus tendinopathy and pes anserine bursitis are conditions commonly associated with obesity and osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. The condition is also recorded as being more common amongst females, considered most likely to be due to that fact that anatomically women have a wider pelvis which… Read More >
Tag Archives: Pes Anserine Bursitis
What Are The Symptoms Of Pes Anserinus Bursitis? Typically with pes anserinus bursitis the major feature is pain where the pain experienced is felt on the inside area of the knee. Generally the pain is most noticeable with regard to regular daily activities felt when going up and down stairs and running. The Pes Anserine… Read More >
What Is Pes Anserine Bursitis Pes anserine bursitis also referred to as pes anserinus bursitis is an inflammatory condition of a bursa on the medial aspect of the knee. The pes anserine bursa is situated two inches below the joint line on the inside of the knee, situated between the pes anserinus tendons and superficial… Read More >