Causes Of Inner Knee Pain Three of the most common causes of inner knee pain we see in our Randwick and Sydney physio practices all have slightly different presentations from each other. Difference with regard to their onset, the behavior of their symptoms, as well as the activities that aggravate the pain. Obtaining an accurate… Read More >
Tag Archives: knee injury
What Is Medial Knee Pain? In my Sydney and Randwick physio practices I find that medial knee pain is an extremely common location which patients experience symptoms. Anatomically the medial side of the knee is what the lay person would typically refer to as being the inside of the knee, the part of the knee… Read More >
Factors Impacting Meniscal Tear Treatment Approaches When treating a torn meniscus the exact management approach taken depends heavily on several factors, including: The size, type and location of the tear suffered The age of the individual The individuals desired/required level of activity Any co-existing and related injuries As noted in a previous blog regarding the… Read More >
Traumatic Meniscal Tears There are several types of meniscus tear and these can vary in a number of variables including size, severity and tear pattern. The exact type of tear is often indicative for the recovery following injury and any necessity for surgical intervention, as well as the potential development of future degenerative symptoms in… Read More >
What Is The Typical Presentation Of A Meniscus Tear? Often an acutely torn meniscus can cause pain, swelling and stiffness of the knee. Including potentially causing a block or lock to full knee motion, or a limitation to full extension of, or bending of the knee. However the symptoms associated with meniscal tears may vary… Read More >