Tag Archives: Gout

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Gouty Arthritis

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Gouty Arthritis

How is Gouty Arthritis Diagnosed? If the attack is the first of its kind then the doctor will look for elevated urate levels in the blood (with gouty arthritis these are often elevated, but not always). They may even take a sample of fluid from the joint in order to make a definite diagnosis. If… Read More >

What Is Gout And Who Gets It?

What Is Gout And Who Gets It?

What Is Gout? Gout is a common form of inflammatory arthritis causing painful inflammation of the affected joints. It is characterized by recurrent attacks of swelling, redness and extreme pain in the affected joint/s. Unlike most other types of arthritis that develop slowly, gout comes on suddenly (often overnight). The most commonly affected area is… Read More >