Tag Archives: broken wrist

Diagnosing And Treating A Colles Fracture Of The Wrist

Diagnosing And Treating A Colles Fracture Of The Wrist

Diagnosing Colles Fractures There are many different forms of Colles fracture, these wrist fractures can be classified into their different types based on the presence of a Colles fracture and any associated injuries. As stated in the previous blog Colles Fracture A Common Wrist Fracture injury history and some post trauma signs can alert one… Read More >

Colles Fracture A Common Wrist Fracture

Colles Fracture A Common Wrist Fracture

Falls Onto An Outstretched Hand A Colles fracture draws its name from the Irish surgeon Dr Abraham Colles who first described the injury. A typical Colles fracture results in upward (posterior) displacement of the radius causing obvious and a fairly recognizable deformity. It is a common type of wrist fracture typically the result of a… Read More >

Wrist Fractures: Causes And Treatments

Wrist Anatomy and Wrist Fractures The wrist is certainly one of the many complex structures in our body.  Given the importance of our hands and their role in facilitating our everyday tasks and activities, it is essential to have your injury and any potential wrist fractures addressed at the onset of your symptoms. This article… Read More >